
Seed Node

Persistent peers drain resources and hurt validator nodes. Use them only from trusted sources like your own sentry nodes. Seed nodes are the way to go for bootstrapping: they fill up your address book and keep you from missing blocks. We've got a seed node for laozi-mainnet if you need one.
sed -i -e "s|^seeds *=.*|seeds = \"09cf1a2ed0be728448bed15861d7f0eb18f2eb64@band-rpc.tienthuattoan.com:34656\"|" $HOME/.band/config/config.toml

Live Peers (10)

Peer lists can be used to sync a node as an alternative to addressbook files. Here is a list of 10 active peers as observed by TTT's state-sync server in real-time. Add them to your config.toml if you have trouble finding peers.
peers="[email protected]:22956,[email protected]:22956,[email protected]:25656,[email protected]:22956,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:13100"
sed -i -e "s|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = \"$peers\"|" $HOME/.band/config/config.toml
Stale peers can cause node inefficiency over time, so the script below selects up to 5 random live peers.
peers="[email protected]:13100,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:26656,[email protected]:22956"
sed -i -e "s|^persistent_peers *=.*|persistent_peers = \"$peers\"|" $HOME/.band/config/config.toml

Live Peer details

Live Peer Moniker Peer Discovered
1 [email protected]:22956 w3coins 2 hours ago
2 [email protected]:22956 hello-band-relayer 2 hours ago
3 [email protected]:25656 PBR 2 hours ago
4 [email protected]:22956 hello-band-backup 2 hours ago
5 [email protected]:26656 123456 2 hours ago
6 [email protected]:26656 du82kz 2 hours ago
7 [email protected]:26656 PBM 2 hours ago
8 [email protected]:26656 node 2 hours ago
9 [email protected]:26656 1a-1 2 hours ago
10 [email protected]:13100 Cosmostation 2 hours ago