
Install dependencies

Update system and install build tools
sudo apt update && sudo apt upgrade -y
sudo apt install curl git wget htop tmux build-essential jq make lz4 gcc unzip -y
Install Go
cd $HOME
sudo rm -rf /usr/local/go
wget https://go.dev/dl/go1.21.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz
sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.21.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz
echo "export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin:$HOME/go/bin" >> $HOME/.bash_profile
source ~/.bash_profile
[ ! -d ~/go/bin ] && mkdir -p ~/go/bin
go version
which go
rm -rf go1.21.11.linux-amd64.tar.gz

Download and build binary

Clone project repository
cd $HOME
rm -rf aura
git clone https://github.com/aura-nw/aura
cd aura
git checkout v0.9.3
make install
aurad version
which aurad
Or download directly binary
wget -O aurad https://snapshots.tienthuattoan.com/mainnet/aura/aurad && mv aurad $HOME/go/bin

Initialize the node

Set node configuration
aurad config chain-id aura_6322-2
Initialize the node
aurad init you-node-name --chain-id aura_6322-2
Download genesis and addrbook
curl -Ls https://snapshots.tienthuattoan.com/mainnet/aura/genesis.json > $HOME/.aura/config/genesis.json
curl -Ls https://snapshots.tienthuattoan.com/mainnet/aura/addrbook.json > $HOME/.aura/config/addrbook.json
Add seed
sed -i -e "s|^seeds *=.*|seeds = \"93d08f3e8fe739185e777681a350ced93ffdf922@aura-mainnet-rpc.tienthuattoan.com:27656\"|" $HOME/.aura/config/config.toml
Set minimum gas price
sed -i -e "s|^minimum-gas-prices *=.*|minimum-gas-prices = \"0.001uaura\"|" $HOME/.aura/config/app.toml
Update pruning and disable indexer to save disk space
sed -i \
  -e 's|^pruning *=.*|pruning = "custom"|' \
  -e 's|^pruning-keep-recent *=.*|pruning-keep-recent = "100"|' \
  -e 's|^pruning-keep-every *=.*|pruning-keep-every = "0"|' \
  -e 's|^pruning-interval *=.*|pruning-interval = "10"|' \

sed -i 's/indexer = "kv"/indexer = "null"/g' $HOME/.aura/config/config.toml

Download Snapshot

wget -O aura_latest.tar.lz4 https://snapshots.tienthuattoan.com/mainnet/aura/aura_latest.tar.lz4 && lz4 -c -d aura_latest.tar.lz4 | tar -x -C $HOME/.aura

Create service

sudo tee </dev/null /etc/systemd/system/aurad.service
Description=Aura node service
ExecStart=$(which aurad) start
Start the service and check the logs
sudo systemctl daemon-reload
sudo systemctl enable aurad
sudo systemctl restart aurad
sudo journalctl -u aurad -f